Monthly Archives: July 2010

Summer Time


Summer season brings
colors to the face of earth.
Summer’s arrival,
signals fun and festivals.

Summer is for fun.
Soaking in sweat and water.
And is never done.
Green carpets are everywhere,
covering every inch of the ground.
Lollipops cover them.

It’s as hot as boiling water straight from the pot.
It’s so hot you think you’re going to melt.
Summer is laughter, summer is cheer.
We feel as if we are thrown in a hot furnace.
We get covered with sweat.
All we can dream of is to jump in a swimming pool,
then eat a watermelon. 

Summer is a time when
Children play,
Parents go shopping,
Grandparents cook…
It is a joyful time.
Summer is the time,
To think of spring and autumn…