Monthly Archives: August 2011

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!! (thoughts)


Woa! First day of school is already over! It was an extremely long school day… First of all, I was melting, and everyone in our class was melting. It was hot. Yes, hot, as in very hot. Then, the class schedule was very very confusing– the class is split in 2. I survived, that is a good thing! Okay okay, let me say this, the first day of school was fun! Seriously, it was. Let me tell you— in detail— about it!
So, I got there early. Like at 7:50. The time in which no one is supposed to be present. When I got there, guess what, the middle school floor was already packed with people. I just put my stuff away and went to whoever I knew. Genny! And a friend of hers— in our class. Started to talk with them.
Then, all the other kids began arriving, making the place hotter. Uhh.
I found out later that almost everyone has a slightly different schedule. During my classes, I don’t meet over half of our class. Uhh, hate that! Plus, half the class is new, and I wanted to get to know new people. That is gonna be my goal for tomorrow— to find out about all the people not in my classes and talk with them! Anyway, the good thing is that most of my classes were with Cristy (best friend EVER!) and Arinana (a friend– don’t know if I’ve spelled her name correct…). Fun! They are good friends…
Oh, and today was our art teacher’s birthday. So me and Cristy, and Jennyfer thought up of a suprise for her. I got the idea, and then through facebook, we developed it. So, I made the card/note, and Cristy made the cookies for her. Cristy gave the cookies to me this morning… I wrapped it up and then, in recess, I went up to the 3rd floor. I found her—teaching. I “disturbed” the class and gave the cookies to her. Oh, just in case you are wondering, they are oatmeal cookies (everyone likes those, don’t they?) Fun… She was suprised, and happy to receive the cookies. (hehe, I seem to like to give suprises to people these days…)
Anyway, so the last class was science. Science was awesome. We were in a dark room with 3 FANS! Everyone was like turning the fans to themselves… I always had some wind on me– good for me! Since the teacher (Mr.Olson) was from California, Ernest asked him if this temperature we have now (melting temperature—what I call it) is hot for him. He said, “Umm, average…” Average! This is killing! I am half melted and he says it is average in where he lives– O-H–W-O-W.
That is about it. My day. I did stay after school and hang out with Cristy for like 10 minutes, and in the end, I caught my bus on time. I mean, I did not have to wait in the burning sun. I did not have to run. When I arrived there, the bus just appeared out of thin air! Boom! A large, fat, orange bus appeared and gobbled me up. Yes, it did.
Yup, highlights of my day!

God make ALL things work together for our good! (thoughts)


“You make all things work together for my good…”  (from the song, “Your Love Never Fails”)
These days, God has really been working on me. He has really been showing me more and more about Him. Most important of all, He has shown me how true Romans 8:28 is. God really does make things work together for our good. Bad things included.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28
God has really been good to me. Bad things have happened to me these days; good things too. When bad things happen to me, I usually start to think, “God! Are you here? Are you actually real? Or are you a myth? God, have you forgotten me?” Ever since I have gotten this line from this song stuck in my mind, it has really been helping me through hard times. I know God makes all things work together for my good. I KNOW.
He has made good things, even bad things happen to me. And guess what? He made them all come together, for what purpose? For my good! Yes… For my good. I can be sure that He makes ALL things work together for my good because I have experience it. I am sure God created the world and that He exists because the chances of the world evolving on its on to what it is like now is the chances of having 50 blindfolded people in a room, each with a rubixs cube, and each compeleting the goal of having the same colors on each side at the SAME time. The chances are this small! The chances of God creating the world is… 100%!
“You make all things work together for my good…” This line from the song got stuck in my mind a while back. It IS a good song to get stuck in your head. Helps you when you doubt that He does make things work for your good. Helps you during your trials. Helps you 24 hours a day!
 Yes, God does make bad things happen to you. Yes, God does seem to not exist some days. Yes, God does seem to be a myth some times. Yes, believing in God does seem to be hard.  Yet we must remember that we DON’T DESERVE ANYTHING!! For it is by grace that we are alive. Grace, mercy is getting what we DON’T deserve. In other words, it is not getting what we deserve— death. We deserve death. Ever thought about that? We humans deserve to die. Yet, we are much alive. It is by grace that we are alive. It is by God’s goodness that we are alive, and very much alive.
“God, thank you. Thank you for all you have done for us. Thank you for the good things you have done for us. Thank you for even the bad things you have done to us. We love you. You have loved us before we have even learned how to love. You are good. You are beyond all we can imagine. You’ve created the whole universe. The universe is already beyond all we can take in, and you are even beyond THAT! Lord, we love you. We pray that you will be working on us through these days. We pray that you will reveal more and more of you to us as each days passes… In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”

Hope that God will reveal more and more of himself to you today, tomorrow and every day in your life!