Monthly Archives: August 2012

Ran a Mile!


       Ran a mile today in PE… It was not as bad as I thought it would be, I ran the first part of it fast (I am a good short distance runner) and then jogged the last half of the mile. A mile is not as long as I thought it would be and now I am very hyper because I ran a mile. The only bad thing was that I forgot to bring a bottle of water with me, so I was pretty thirsty at the end (a hot day, black shirt, and a mile to run– a bad combination). The weird thing is that today was the first time in my life that I ran a mile– I did pretty badly because I thought I was meeting the PE teacher with the timer in the Gym or something, and as a result, I spent at least 3 minutes in the school. Then, I realized that I was supposed to meet him at the end of the school. I ended up being timed as 13:05 minutes, I guess I will do way better next time when I know that I am supposed to meet the teacher with the timer at the edge of the school… Oh well…

     At least I do not have any homework! High school is actually pretty much the same as middle school, except for the fact that our teachers rarely tell us to turn in homework– we do it ourselves. I still get to finish homework at school, now I am actually bringing the homework paper home and checking it (so that I will get better grades than last year). Pretty awesome!
     Alright! Violin lesson tomorrow, church the day after, and then, the 2nd week of school. See you tomorrow, I probably will stop boring you with my accounts of my day– I know, my grammar is really awful these days because I have not had much time to write every day.
See ya!

Less than 5 minutes to write– about school!


I have finally finished all my assignments– including violin! Now I can write, although I have little time left until I have to go to bed– in 5 minutes.

So, today was the 4th day of school and I am almost done with a week of school! It kind of feels like that I have been going to high school for at least a month. I have a science project due tomorrow which I just finished (and overdid), 2 memory verses, math homework, civics homework and many others. Not much homework, but that is good because it leaves me time to practice the violin every day.

Pretty good, I think I am going to do pretty good this year if I continue to do my homework at home (instead of tight before the class in which the homework is due) and study for tests! I am looking forward to tomorrow and next week, and the week after that, and the months after that, and etc..

Okay, I have to go now. 5 minutes have almost past.
-Yu Hua
Rain’s Voice

Proboscis Monkey– BIG NOSED MONKEY


Hello! I’m going to talk about another cool and amazing creature today– the Proboscis Monkey! 

The proboscis monkey is also known as the big-nosed monkey. The males have the big noses and it has been suggested that the purpose for the big nose is to attract the female. Research has shown that the females like that males with the bigger nose more than the one with the smaller nose. I love this creature’s nose so much! It looks so funny. 

These animals are found in the rainforests of Borneo and are one of the most distinctive monkeys in the whole world– with its nose and swollen stomach. The males are significantly bigger than the female– they can be up to 76cm in height and more than 20kg in weight. Both the male and female has a long tail that is almost as long as their body used for balancing. 

Rhinopithecus strykeri –> sneezing monkeys


One of the new species that made it to the top 10 new species of 2012 was the sneezing monkey. The real name of this amazing species is   Rhinopithecus strykeri (Strykeri was named in honor of a person named Jon Strykeri, who is the president and founder of the Arcus Foundation.), and it was the first stub-nosed monkey found in Myanmar. Read on to find out more about this strangely unique creature….

The sneezing monkey is known for its black fur and white beard. It is also known as the monkey that sneezes when it rains (because of the rain that gets into their nose). These monkeys try to avoid getting rain into their nose by sitting with its head between legs when it is raining. Wow, this is really a very unique species!

How can you find them?
By going out when it is raining and listening for sneezes in the trees (first, be in Myanmar)

Why did it make it into the top 10 list?
Every year, less than 40 new mammals are found. The chance of finding a new primate is even smaller, and since Rhinopithecus strykeri (sneezing monkey) is a primate, they made it into the top 10 list (actually they made it into the top 1 list).

How was it discovered?
It was discovered by accident, by biologists who were conducting a gibbon survey. They probably heard sneezes in the tree and started wondering what was making that sneezing noise (I do not know exactly how they found it).

That is all the facts that I learned today about this weirdly, amazingly, and strangely unique creatures! Life is weird…

First Day of Freshman Class– How it went, etc.


     The first day of school was different, but great! I really enjoyed it a lot; it was really funny and fun. All the teachers are pretty nice but some are a little strict. The Civics teacher (who seems like she’s going to be a great teacher) told us that we are allowed to go to the bathroom in class– once a month. When she said that, I saw every one’s face go shocked. I think that some of the people are thinking about wandering around the school when class is so boring that you are dying (it happens, admit it, it has happened to some of you). High school is definitely different– in a good way.

      A funny thing was the contrast between each teacher. Our Civics teacher HATES pop quizzes and tests; she absolutely hates it. But, our Geometry 3 teacher LOVES pop quizzes. In fact, she loves them so much that she said that she already has a pile of scratch paper cut out for us to write our answers to the pop quiz questions to. I wish you could have seen all the freshman and sophomore’s faces go shocked (ha! I personally love pop quizzes). I guess now that I have digested the knowledge of the great differences between our teachers, I can safely assume with many proofs that no 2 teachers are like each other (well, except for maybe identical twins that are teachers…).

      My favorite classes so far are Biology and Journalism. Geometry is math and I like math. But, I have not gotten to know the teacher yet, so I’ll have to find out! I have always loved Biology, and the teacher looks like he is going to be great. Journalism was really fun; I love to write, I love the teacher, and I love everything about this class.
        Okay, I have to go now. I will try to write more about health, ailments and medical stuff like that (oh, and fun facts too). School is here and it is a little hard to write everyday… I will try my best :).

-Yu Hua
Rain’s Voice

FIRST DAY OF FRESHMAN& SCHOOL (almost starting)!!!!!!


First day of being a freshman! School is almost starting (well, in 1 hour and half) and I am pretty excited… I wonder if there are any new students in our class, because I love meeting new people and helping them out! I wonder what adventures will this new year bring… Yes, I wonder a lot. I guess I will have to tell you what happens today in school when I get home (I am at home now, waiting for the time to leave for school), that is, if I have time. Okay, I think I am a little overexcited about school…

What happened on your first day of being a freshman? Comment and tell me!
Okay, I have to go now, sorry!

-Yu Hua
Rain’s Voice

A person thought I was a teacher (when I am actually a freshman)!!!


Today I went to church and sat next to an elderly man in the congregation. When the time came to dismiss the children to Sunday school, we started talking with each other. He asked me what my name and nationality is. Then he asked me why I am here (I was confused and said that I was here for church– ha!).

After obtaining the fact that I went to ICSB (an American school), he asked me what do I teach there. I was like, “Teach? What does he mean?”. Then it hit me, he thought I was a full grown adult that is a teacher at ICSB (instead of a freshman that is 14 years old).

When I told him that I was actually a freshman, he was shocked. I guess I easily shock people…

I think that the reason that he thought I was a teacher was because I had a black dress on with glasses (teachers and glasses, fits well) Oh well, this has happened to me a lot. Every year, there are a few people who will ask me where I work (well, except for when I was younger than 10…).
 I guess I am just weird…

Has this ever happened to you? If it has, comment below and tell us your story!

Garlic Salt (Delicious– health benefits, recipes, etc.)


A friend wanted me to write about garlic salt, so this blog is dedicated to that friend.

Garlic salt is a type of flavoured salt that is used as food seasoning. It is made up of table salt and dried grounded garlic with an anti-caking substance put into it (you can even make it your self: 3 parts garlic and 1 part table salt, instructions will be shown below). Garlic salt is, in my opinion, the best salt to buy. It is (as some people say) delicious with chicken and great when sprinkled on mashed potatoes. Garlic salt not only makes food delicious, it also is very beneficial to your health.
What makes garlic salt so delicious? How can you eat it the best way? What are the nutrition facts of garlic salt? What are its health benefits? Read on to find out!

Ways to eat garlic salt

1. Sprinkle garlic salt on salads or pizzas– trust me, it tastes great that way!

2. Sprinkling garlic salt on any vegetable dishes tastes great; some people also like to put a mixture of garlic salt and butter.

3. If you do not have garlic, or want to have a better garlic flavour in your soups/ stews, then you have to sprinkle some garlic salt on it (Ahhh… That great taste!).

4. If you are the person who likes fries that is a little salty and has a slight taste of garlic– mix olive oil with salt then fry your fries with the mixture.
5. Almost every type of meat (I think) tastes great with garlic salt/ garlic oil/ both.
6. There are, off course, more.

Health benefits

Reduces the Cholesterol Level in your Body
Garlic salt decreases the level of a type of cholesterol that can lead to atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries). Eating garlic salt can also decrease the likelihood of you getting cardiovascular disease. It both decreases harmful cholesterol (LDL) in your body and increases the beneficial cholesterol (HDL) in your body.

        Increases your Immunity
Eating garlic salt (in moderation) can increase your immunity by helping your body fight off both typical ailments such as a cold, and diseases like cancer. Garlic salt is highly suggested for people who have a family history of cancer, as it can help your body prevent cancer or slow down cancer development.

     Lowers your Blood Pressure

Consuming garlic salt can help lower your blood pressure!  High blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to strain on both your heart and your blood vessels. This strain is very bad for your health and can lead to disease or heart attacks. Eating garlic salt in moderation can help your blood vessels to relax more and this relaxing leads to the lowering of your blood pressure. This lowering of your blood pressure helps you prevent disease. (source: Franklin Institute)

Nutrition facts
 The Romans placed a high value on garlic salt– so high that they payed their soldiers with garlic salt! Garlic salt doesn’t have a great nutrition amount– it is lower then 5 calories and lower than 2% of the recommended daily intake (according to the US Food and Drug Administration’s labeling system). The only nutrient that is usually shown on the labeling system is sodium. According to the McCormick company website (a company that makes garlic salt), each serving of garlic salt contains 5% of a person’s recommended daily sodium intake (this is why a person should not over-eat salt– salt can be found in almost every type of food).  
          Source: US Food and Drug Administration

Garlic salt is extremely low in calories and it has the ability to make everything you eat with it delicious. I highly suggest you to buy some garlic salt and try out! But, do not eat too much garlic salt or any type of salt! Overeating salt is very bad for your heart health and your overall health.

Garlic salt is very healthy (because of the garlic); it is great for your cardiovascular health and your immunity system. It is also delicious and easy to eat. I hope that you will go buy some garlic salt or use the one that you have!

Thanks for reading!
Any suggestions for a recipe with garlic salt? Comment below!

     Go to the link below for instructions– it is VERY simple!

-Yu Hua
Rain’s Voice

I am almost a HIGH SCHOOLER!


       Today, I went to school for an Open House and got to see all my classmates! I got my schedule and locker key (I get to have a locker on the first floor, bottom row). It is really weird for me to think about the fact that I am a FRESHMAN, that I am actually in high school now. Monday, next Monday is my first day of high school and I am excited.

          I got my class schedule today (there is a picture of it below..), and I am pretty pleased about it (except for the fact that freshmen are not allowed to take art class). Biology has always been my favorite subject to explore in and I am very excited to take Biology this year (I am basically a science freak). I also got into Journalism with Kelly (So, Kelly and I get to write in the school newspaper once in a while. Kelly is a friend of mine).

I also have the same classes with Kelly, which is a good thing because then I can be sure that I will have a friend with me the whole day.
             Well, school starts in 2-3 days (depends on how you calculate the days)– on Monday. I wonder what adventures I will have then. A new chapter in my life is unfolding before me; a new chapter with new adventures.

Okay, I have a violin lesson tomorrow, so I have to go now. See you tomorrow! Sorry about the shortness…
Thanks for reading, I hope that you will comment!
Rain’s Voice

MUSTARD– Facts and health benefits (trust me, there are A LOT)


Most people don’t know that mustard is something that is very healthy– being a rich source of nutrients, anti bacterial, anti fungal, and the cure for many ailments. Mustard, being one of the most popular spices in the world, is a seed that is part of the cabbage family. The mustard plant is very tall when fully grown and has a yellow flower. Although the mustard seed is very small, it is very very healthy. In fact, it contains so much nutrients, minerals, and goodies that it is better than a multivitamin!!

Nutrient facts
Mustard seeds contain omega-3 (a very healthy fatty acid that is great for your heart and overall health) fatty acids and calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium (reduces asthma and lowers your blood pressure), niacin, protein, phosphorus, selenium (selenium is a nutrient that helps reduce asthma, arthritis, and some types of cancers) and zinc.

List of health benefits

      1.  Lowers blood pressure to normal (great for people with high blood pressure)
      2.  Prevents migraines
      3.  Speeds up metabolism
      4.  Because of the sulfur found in mustard, eating mustard may help treat skin diseases
      5.  Eating mustard reduces the severity of asthma for people with asthma.
      6.  Mustard has disinfectant qualities.
      7.  Mustard inhibits cancer growth and prevents certain types of cancer too.
      8.  It is great for digestion because it increases saliva (while you eat) 8 times more as usual. Saliva is an important part of digestion.
      9.  Eating mustar soothes sore throats, pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma.
     10. It is anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti septic.
                     and many more…

Wow, mustard is really great for our health. In addition to that, mustard is delicious (well, at least in my opinion… I am a fan of mustard) and easy to use. You can sprinkle mustard seeds on salad, put mustard cream on meat, or put mustard cream on bread (off course, there are more ways to eat mustard). Mustard is easy to get and delicious when eaten the right way.

I hope that you will now go eat some mustard/ buy some. Mustard with carrots is delicious (in fact, I am eating mustar with carrots right now!).

See you tomorrow, thanks for reading!
Hope you comment if you have any thoughts!

God bless you.
Rain’s Voice