Monthly Archives: January 2013

Want to attain wisdom?



“For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He holds success in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.”
-Proverbs 2:6-7

Ask for wisdom from God and you’ll receive it. The thing is, you have to have no doubt about Him in order to get wisdom from Him. It is not only wisdom that you can ask for and receive, you can ask for anything and receive. You’ll either receive what you asked for or get something even better. 🙂

By the way, the definition of wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to your daily life– what choices you make.


Ramblings of a gal


I have never had to memorize the 10 commandments word by word (NIV 1984 version) for any class in my whole life– until the 2nd semester of freshman year. I know what they are, but not word by word. The funny thing is that I have to memorize Exodus 20 (10 commandments) for HISTORY class. After my classmates and I finish memorizing the 10 commandments, we are going to start having to memorize the Apostle’s Creed and the LORD’s Prayer… for HISTORY class.

High school is seriously different from middle school in that you have to memorize Bible verses for history class because the verses you memorize were required to be memorized by a person in the 12th century so that they can become a christian. I like high school though.

I have also concluded that getting to memorize these things is a good thing because eventually it is going to help us in the future. Someday, we’ll all realize that this memorization thing assigned by our teacher is a gift from God.

Someday, in the FUTURE.

Pi is awesome and I can be really random sometimes.

My tip of the day


Open your mouth to talk only if what you want to say is more beautiful than silence (a thing that can be beautiful at times)…

I need to remember this myself more because about 90% of what comes out of my mouth is not even as beautiful as silence– a more accurate percentage would be 95%.

Okey Dokey, that’s my tip of the day. 😀
Life is good.

Mother Teresa quote :)


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
-Mother Teresa

EXACTLY what you should do. Keep in your mind always this thought, “I will make whoever I meet leave me happier than they were before I met them.” or something along the lines of this.

The first step to accomplish this is TO BE HAPPY… be so happy that when someone else looks at you, they become happy too. 😀

A poem by Pushkin


To A.P. Kern
*Translated from Russian to English* 

I remember a wonderful moment
As before my eyes you appeared,
Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,
Like a spirit of the purest beauty.

In the torture of hopeless melancholy,
In the bustle of the world’s noisy hours,
That voice rang out so tenderly,
I dreamed of that lovely face of yours.

The years flew quickly. The storm’s blast Scattered the dreams of former times,
And I forgot your tender voice,
And the features of your heavenly face.

In remoteness, in gloomy isolation,
My days dragged quietly, nothing was new,
No godlike face, no inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love, no you.
Then to my soul an awakening came,
And there again your face appeared,
Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,
Like a spirit of the purest beauty.

And my heart beat with a rapture new,
And for its sake arose again
A godlike face, an inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love, and you.

21 suggestions for success (H. Jackson Brown Jr)

  1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
  2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worth your time and talent.
  3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
  4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
  5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
  6. Be generous.
  7. Have a grateful heart.
  8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
  9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary. 
  10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
  11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
  12. Commit yourself to quality.
  13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
  14. Be loyal.
  15. Be honest.
  16. Be a self-starter.
  17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
  18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
  19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
  20. Take good care of those you love.
  21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud.