Monthly Archives: April 2013

What you truly need


The only thing you need is Jesus, Philippians says, and that is 100% true! With him, you get all those other things that you crossed out– to get richer and better, and to be loved and happier. I have found that out in my own life, whenever I cross out all of those worldly things that I “need” to do and say to myself that I only need Jesus, I get all those other things I need. Jesus loves us and will give us what we want if we trust in Him and our needs go with His plan for us.

A verse of encouragement


This is a great Bible verse that really encouraged me today, I thought that I would share it so that you may be encouraged. 🙂

Points made in this Bible verse:
1. Don’t panic
2. God is with you
3. God is your God
4. No need to fear anything
5. He will give you strength
6. He will help you
7. He will protect you always.

God is good.

A day without laughter…


“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

Wow, this is an amazing quote. Think about it, a day without laughter is a day that is wasted. So if no laughter comes out of you on a day, then that day has no worth! I think this quote is 100% true. Laughter is essential for every day, it is also beneficial to your health (just a reason for you to laugh)!

So, don’t be serious all day. Relax, enjoy life, smile, and LAUGH. Live, love, and laugh.

You looking for happiness?


Are you looking for happiness? Apolinnaire gives you a great advise for your pursuit of happiness– just to stop and be happy. Happiness is not to be searched for, it is within your reach, it is in the same room you are in. You find happiness just by being happy. 🙂 So, don’t worry, be happy.

No school tomorrow!!!


I AM SO HAPPY! Tomorrow is the middle of a school week and no school. I’ve always wanted that to happen because it feels like you have 2 weekends when you have a Wednesday off. Today DID feel like a Friday. I’m going to pretend tomorrow is the weekend.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to finish up my Hungarian history videos and then do nothing. Productive, huh? =)

Okay, gotta go now. I wrote this on my bus and it will arrive at my stop soon. Sooooo…… see ya!