Monthly Archives: May 2013

Amazing love… God is good


Exactly what I was thinking today. Jesus loved us so much that he came to this world, he let go of his Godness and became a man. That is a huge step down, it is not like going from a boss to a servant willingly– it is 100000000% bigger that that. He went from being God to being a human. He loved you so much that he died on the cross… even when you turned your back to Him. 
Jesus loves you. There is a person who loves you and will never stop loving you. So stop seeking for someone who loves you, because that someone you have already found. 

Think about it… you are loved by the God of the universe, the King of kings!

God is good!


“For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”
-Psalms 100:5

God is good. 
He is loving.
He loves us more than anyone in the world. 

He is a wonderful God. 

Because He loves us, all that we do should come out of love for him.

Nothing you do in your life matters unless you do it for the God who created you, unless you do it out of love for him. 

A tip for your life


Do more of what makes you feel happy.

Yes, that’s it. Just do more of what makes you feel happy and you’ll be happy. Stop trying to do what other people do, do what God created you to do. Did you know that God created you to do what makes you truly feel happy? The purpose of your life is to serve God and others, and through that, become happy. When you are not serving others, you should do the things that make you feel happy– such as playing and instrument, reading, hiking, etc..
So, go, get off the Internet and do something you love to do. Unless the thing that makes you happy is the Internet.

Created to love


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  We love because he first loved us.

-1 John 4: 18-19
We were CREATED to love because God loved us and we should love the people He loves. We should treat everyone the same, love everyone equally, and do everything out of love either for God or for others.

Working on insect collection…


Got to go start working on putting my insect collection together now! I want to turn it in early to get the extra credit, so I have to start working on it now. I only have to do the pinning and perfecting, The insects I will pin onto a bulletin board because I could find no other thing to pin it to in Tesco or Auchan. I guess I’ll have fun doing it? I don’t like bugs that much, our biology teacher loves bugs. I am fascinated by bugs but that fascination does not prevent me from being scared of big ones and grossed out by small ones.
Got to go now, adios!

Ephesians 2:8– GRACE!


 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”
-Ephesians 2:8

The fact that you are saved (if you are) is something that you should be very thankful for, something that you should thank God for every day because it IS a gift from God to you. Because of this gift now, you are alive and who you are today. It is a gift that came out of grace and love, it is something that can NEVER be taken away from you. It is God’s gift to you.

When people give me books as a present… (pictures)


Forgot to write last Sunday about a gift I got, also from my brother’s girlfriend, during a night’s out. She gave me… A BOOK! I was so happy, the present made my whole day. It is a book that I’ve, surprisingly, never read in my whole life. In fact, I’ve never even known there was such a book in the world! 

It is Little Dorrit by one of my favorite authors, Charles Dickens. The thing is, I’ve never seen this book in the school library and SparkNotes does not have it, so I’ve never head of such a book before last week! Now I am enjoying reading it… A LOT.