Monthly Archives: July 2013

Greece vacation pics———> PART 1


I’m currently in Bulgaria now soon to be on my way back to Hungary. Here are some of the 900 pictures I and my family took on the way… 

Taken on the ferry we took to Santorini from Athens. πŸ™‚

 I love hammocks and Santorini! 

On a ferry…

 Taken on a ferry, I like this picture a lot. 

I wanted so bad to make this guy laugh, but did not succeed. Haha

Family picture! 

 I think my brother is kind of smiling in this picture, gotta congratulate him later… this was taken in a national park in Athens– I think.

I’m in love with this flag and the country it represents.

I’m as tall as my brother and his girlfriend! Ahaha… the advantages of taking pictures on stairs. πŸ™‚ This was taken in Athens.

In a beautiful hotel in Santorini… taken by my mom. πŸ™‚

My brother and cousin!! Oh, and he is definitely smiling in this picture. πŸ™‚

Gotta go now, good-bye! Will post more pictures once I get back to the land of Hungary!

You can’t stop the waves from coming, but you can learn how to surf


John Kabat Zinn Printable Quote from Second Chance to Dream
Challenges in your life were put in your life by God for a purpose, and that is to ride that wave of challenges and ride it well. God gave us waves in our lives so that we can learn to ride that wave and ride it with open arms. Even if you fall while you attempt to ride the wave, you should get back up and never stop trying to ride the wave perfectly. Overcome your troubles in life, ride your waves well and enjoy your life. 

GOING TO GREECE IN A FEW HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Going to Greece in… just a few hours!! Actually, I’ll be on my way to Greece in a few hours with my family.

We are going to Greece by car from Hungary to Romania, then Bulgaria and then Greece!! In Greece, we are going to go to Athens, then Santurini. Our hotels in Athens and Santurini are both right by the beach, so I’m pretty excited. We are going to be in Greece for 6 days, and Bulgaria for 1– 1 day will be us on the car. So I’ll be gone for a week, but I’ll probably write because we have wifi in all of our hotels. πŸ™‚

We are going to be at Athens for 3 days and at the beautiful island of Santurini for another 3 days. The weather forecast predicts good weather, I’m a happy girl with an awesome life. Horray!! 

I’m going to write the 4th chapter of my book on my way to Greece in the car, so hopefully I’ll post it by tomorrow at the latest. πŸ™‚

I’ll be posting pictures soon!

Pictures of my guinea pigs!


Pictures of our guinea pigs that I took in the past month during my free time– around 50 pictures. I love my piggies so much!!

 Relaxing in her sleeping place, actually, on top of it. 

Sleeping guinea pigs… that look awake. She’s actually asleep, but looks awake. Okay fine, maybe she’s half awake. 

Staring contest, 1,2,3, go!

Click read more for around 40 more pictures! πŸ™‚

 I’m defying gravity! 

Sleeping in a bowl, #likeaboss

Falling asleep…… Yes, I sleep with my eyes open.

I smell something good! Wait… CUCUMBERS!?!?!?!?!

I’m trying to break my record of drinking a whole bottle of water in 1 hour. 

 Hey there, cutie. 

 I smell carrots! 

 Yes, I sleep in a bowl and yes, I’m sane. 

We like to sleep.

I heard food! Apples? *immediately wakes up and starts screaming for food. 

 A guinea pig that looks weirded out. I love her facial expressions. 

Chilling on a rock.

 I smell something good!

You don’t need to have the strength to go on, YOU JUST NEED JESUS


You don't need to have the strength to go on. You just need HIM.  ~Ann Voskamp
A great reminder for a start of a brand new week. You don’t need to have the strength to go on with the struggles of life, you just need Jesus. The person who has already overcome the world 2000 years ago is on your side, can you trust a person who has already overcame the world to give you enough strength to go on? YES!
So stop worrying about whether you have the strength to do something or not, you do. Jesus is on your side. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Phil. 4:13)!

In a blink of your eye————> Chapter 3


 Yay! Chapter 3 is done. πŸ™‚ 

        I got out of the car with my things and followed closely behind my aunt to her house. She opened the wooden door of the fence and I walked to the house on the pebbled stone walkway, the stones made a noise every time I stepped on them as if welcoming me to this place. Suddenly I thought that maybe my time under my aunt’s care won’t be as bad as I thought, maybe I’ll get a nice room with a beautiful view. Maybe I’ll be happy with my aunt and she’ll stop hating me. But maybe’s don’t always come true, I reminded myself.

         I went up 5 steps to the dark green door, almost running into my aunt when she stopped abruptly and told me with a cold voice and a frown on her face, β€œYou are not to make a single noise in this house, just look around and only talk when I allow you to. Understand? You are going to be assisted by a servant of mine.” I saw her frown and the rancor in her eyes that were staring back at my eyes and nodded. She opened the door and allowed me in.

       β€œBetsy! Betsy!” my aunt suddenly yelled, β€œMia is here, go show her the living room and some rooms around the house. Tell her all the rules of this place.”

        A servant who looked to be around 30 years old appeared and said, “Yes, Mrs. Should I tell her all the 50 rules?” 

         β€œYes, make her know who she is in this house. I’m going upstairs now and will bring the children at 12:5,” my aunt said and went into the house. 

       The servant came behind me and walked me to a big walnut door with beautiful engravings on it. She told me that she’ll be gone for a few minutes, I was happy to get the opportunity to explore the house alone for a few minutes.

        Betsy opened the huge door and my jaw dropped. 
Click read more if you wan the rest. πŸ™‚

       I saw a huge beautiful living room before me, a room that would bring the person in there a lot of comfort and a wonderful feeling of coziness. The walls were a hunter green with ivory flowers painted on them; 6 lyptus wood frames with sublime paintings were hung around the room. Cozy brown sofas with dark green pillows on them were in the middle of the room around a royal purple rug with a small table in the middle holding a beautiful vase full of flowers. I looked to the right of me and saw a big black grand piano with music on it, my hands itched to play it, but I didn’t want to get my aunt mad at me. I looked behind the piano and saw a beautiful window with purple and ivory curtains tied to the sides with hunter green ribbons, flowers were in the middle of the window. 

       Even my mother with her artist’s eye would have said the person behind all of this decoration and colors had the potential to be a great artist. My heart wrenched at the thought of my passed away parents who loved me so much and made my life so perfect. I hated the fact I probably won’t be able to attend their funeral to say a last good bye to them, all because of my aunt. The beautiful house immediately did not seem as beautiful and perfect to me as I thought of my aunt who was somewhere in this house. I kept on walking through the house anyway. 

          In front of me, I saw a curtained door that lead to what seemed like a party room, I walked to it and through the curtains to what was indeed a party room– a pretty one. I looked to the right of me and saw a beautiful spiral staircase with red carpeting and a glimpse of the 2nd floor of the house. I looked below the staircase because I had read many books with hidden rooms below staircases, there was a hidden room! I saw a hidden door that was the same color as the wall, its doorknob was hidden by a tall table with flowers on it. The only way I knew it was a door was an imprint of a door hinge on the right of it. I wondered what that door was for and why it looked like it hasn’t been opened for quite a long time.   

         Suddenly feeling a desire to see what the 2nd floor looks like, I took tentative steps toward the stair case and was on the 3rd step when suddenly an alarmed voice cried behind me, β€œyou are forbidden to go up there, your aunt ordered this. Come over here to the living room and sit on this sofa so we can talk about the rules of this house and where you are going to live.” It was the voice of Betsy! She was back. 

           I stood where I was on the stairs and refused to move. Betsy’s eyes became shadowed with fear and she stammered, β€œC-come now, I-I’ll get into trouble if you don’t.” Suddenly I felt very sorry for Betsy and did go back down the stairs to the living room.

          I sat down on the sofa with Betsy before me and she poured me a glass of water. Betsy said with a smile, β€œMia, I’m Betsy, the head servant of this place and I’m to get you used to this place’s procedures before you are handed to one of the 30 servants running this place.”

          My jaw dropped, β€œHow’s 30 servants needed to run this house?” I asked.

          β€œAs you can probably see, this is a big house and your aunt has a big family that needs a lot of people to take care of. She has 5 children, Anna, Isabella, Myra, Peter and Samuel. You’ll be introduced to them in 5 minutes,” Betsy replied.

         “Can I see the whole house? How big is it?” I asked Betsy.

          “It is one of the biggest houses in all of Alabama, it doesn’t look as big from the front as from the side. Unfortunately your aunt has told me you are only allowed on the first floor or below of the house. Without further ado, let me tell you the 50 rules of this house.”
She then started to lecture me about the rules of this house, β€œYou are not allowed on the 2nd floor or above, no speaking in the house when your aunt is present, no playing in the house without supervision, you are not allowed out of your room from 5 in the night to 7 in the morning, etc..”
          Too many rules, I was getting pretty impatient as Betsy told me a million rules about this place and was about to interrupt her when she finally stopped and said, β€œI am boring you with all these rules, I won’t tell you the 26 rules I have yet to tell you now. Your aunt is going to let you meet her 5 children soon. Come with me to the party room.”

         I followed her to the party room and saw my aunt with 5 children from 5 to around 16 or 17 years old following behind her. They lined up in front of me from the shortest to tallest. Aunt stood behind them and introduced them, β€œThis is Anna, who is 5 years old. This is Bella, who is 8 years old. This is Myra, who is 11 years old. And this is the twinsβ€”Peter and Sammy, both 16.”

          Myra was the only one who smiled at me when she was introduced. The others just ignored me or looked in a very mean way at me. A long awkward silence followed after my aunt finished introducing her children. Myra suddenly decided to interrupt the silence and came up to me, hugged me, and said hi. Aunt quickly pulled her back and told her to never talk to me, but I had a feeling that Myra would someday be my only friend in this house, at least I think I got a friend… My aunt said to me, β€œYou are not to talk to any one of my children or play with them. Now we are going to leave you with Betsy to show you your room.” Aunt and her children went back upstairs to the place I’m forbidden to go.

          As soon as they disappeared from our sight, Betsy came behind me and told me, β€œLet me show your room where you’ll stay for the next few years. Follow me.”

          Betsy led me behind the red carpeted spiral staircase and then stopped in front of it. I stood there uncomprehending why she just stopped in front of stairs. Then I looked in front of me at the flowers on a tall table and shock overcame me, it was the door I had saw earlier, the hidden door. Was I going to live behind that almost hidden door for the next few years like I never existed in this house?

          Betsy opened the door with a key and led me in, actually down. I went down ten stairs to an almost dark room with little lighting. It was a basement! How was I going to live in here for the next few years? 

I’ll be in Greece for a week from tomorrow, I’ll try to update 1 or 2 chapters during my time in Greece if I do have time. πŸ™‚

12 Random Acts of Kindness


1. Leave encouraging notes in library books 

2. Buy flowers and go to a senior’s unit in a hospital to brighten someone’s day!
3. Buy cheese burgers for a homeless person
4. Bake cookies for your pastor at church or principal at school OR boss at work. 

5. Make friends with a stranger who looks not well off and become his/her personal grocery shopper for 1 day. CHANGE A LIFE!

6. The next time you go to a restaurant, buy a gift for your waitress before and leave it on the desk when you leave.

7. Write an encouraging note to your friend.
8. Smile and say hello to everyone you meet
9. Give out silly bandz to every kid you meet, they love them. 
10. Visit a nearby orphanage.
11. Donate!
12. The next time you are in a long line and there is some impatient person behind you who is frustrated, let him/her get in front of you and smile. You might just find a great friend!