Monthly Archives: September 2013

God is BIGGER than your worries


A great reminder for all of us! Especially during busy weeks like this one that are filled with worries. We as human beings worry a lot. We are constantly filling our minds with worries. Did you know that worrying is a sin most of the time๏ผŸ
Why? Simply because worrying is saying that your problems are bigger than God and that you do not trust God. Not trusting God is a sin. 
Worrying is a waste of your time, it is using your time in a way that gets you no where. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gets you nowhere despite all the movement you are making, all the effort you put into it. 
So since today is a beginning of another week, worry less and if you do worry, present your worries to God with prayer and petition. 
Good luck! 
Happy monday

I’m such a procrastinator (randomness)


I’m such a procrastinator… 
Almost every day these weeks, we’ve been having Chemistry Periodic table (and polyatomic ion) quizzes in which we have to add 5  elements and 1 polyatomic ion to the ones we already know every day. Which means we cannot forget the ones we’ve already have had quizzes on. 
I have been forgetting to memorize the elements every day and then remembering to do so right in the 5 minutes between US history and Chemistry. Haha, the good thing is that I have good memory and because of that, all of my chemistry periodic table quizzes have been perfect grades so far even when I have to cram the elements in order from 1-40 in the 5 minutes right before the quiz. I love chemistry so much, it is a really fun class. 
I like procrastinating and still getting A’s too! 
I also like pi.
And I don’t know why I wrote this blog post, I’m just plain weird. 
Oh, and I got to go do my Spanish poster that is due tomorrow morning. Procrastinators got to procrastinate. 

Pictures from OPERA with friends


Here are three pictures of all of the 10th grade girls at the opera from yesterday… I was so happy that I could come! I had such a fun time watching the Ballet Giselle, the dancers were so elegant and had such fluid motion– the orchestra was also amazing. The opera was BEAUTIFUL, I love Hungary so much now– and of course my friends too.
More will be coming soon! 

Went to the OPERA with friends!


Just got back from the Opera with my friends!! It was soooooo fun! I had such a great time with my friends and the opera was so amazing… the orchestra was awesome. I want to play the violin in there some day and I just may, I’ve played in the Basilica! Haha. ๐Ÿ™‚ The play we watched was Giselle, which is a love story that unfortunately, has a really sad ending. But I enjoyed it nevertheless. We took so many pictures with one of my friend’s camera… some of which I’ll be posting in a week after edits. It was so fun… a wonderful girly night with lots of photobombs by me, Miss Photobomber. Haha
I have the ticket and just took a webcam picture of it! With me weirdly behind it…

I’ll be writing more about the play and all that wonderful stuff tomorrow because it is 11:05 now and I gotta go to bed!

HS Retreat in less than a week!


I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! The high school retreat is in less than a week! This is so freaking awesome and I’m so freaking excited. I think this year’s retreat will be really awesome. I love the place where we go for retreats, it is so beautiful and big and I love the nature. I hope it does not rain during it because my favorite thing about the facility is the outdoors. I just love being outside with my best friends enjoying the world God has made for us. Being outside makes me happy.
The only sad thing is that I cannot bring my camera because my brother has it, I really wanted to use the camera to practice photography (and editing once I get home) during it. Oh well, maybe I can borrow the journalism camera… hopefully I can!
Okay, got to go now. Adios!

God can, and will, use you to do great things


Paul was a murderer, yet God used him to do great things.
Jonah ran away from God,
Moses stuttered-– badly,
Abraham was old,
Thomas was a doubter, 
Miriam was a gossiper, 
David had an affair
Lazarus was DEAD. 

God used all of these people despite of their situation, or what they were. So don’t ever think for one moment in your life that God can’t use you to do great things, because he can. He did something great with a dead person– Lazarus– chances are, you are alive right now (unless you are the computer or a robot) and if He can use a dead person, he can use YOU. NOW. You just have to surrender yourself to him and let him do great things with you!

Isaiah 41:10—-> No need to fear, God is on your side


God is with you at this very moment and He will always be with you, by your side, every second of the rest of your life. Isn’t that just wonderful to know? Because the person who has overcome the world is on your side, you don’t ever have to fear or worry in any circumstance. Worrying is doubting God is in control and therefore is a sin; fear is unhealthy for you and needless because God is on your side. God will strengthen you and help you in all your trials, he has a perfect plan for you.