Monthly Archives: October 2013

Beautiful Fall Day (PICTURES)


Went to a park near the place we live today to celebrate both fall AND the Hungarian revolution day by picking fall leaves! It was very fun and I took some pictures with an old camera my mom happens to always have in her bag 24/7… thought I’d share my day with y’all. 

Some ducks and birdy creatures in a lake situated in the park we were in, aren’t they beautiful? I love nature and animals, I looked at them for 5 minutes straight until my mom dragged me away… she’s evil (just kidding).

One of the pathways in the park, I love this park so much! Isn’t it beautiful?

 Choosing pretty leaves for my collection of fall leaves… totally candid. 

A turtle! Not just a turtle but a sunbathing turtle, how awesome is that?


 Ducks! Aren’t they just so adorably cute? 

Some of the many leaves we found, they are not all that special but on Saturday we’ll be going to the Budapest City Park to pick autumn leaves and that is going to be so exciting? And hopefully we’ll have our good camera with us by Saturday… 

Got to go now, US history test tomorrow and then a Spanish and English test the day after. 🙂 Gotta go prepare to ace all of these tests! 


Word of the day—-> EVANESCENT


Evanescent–> This word means fleeting or temporary or even ephemeral. A beautiful sunset or a short wonderful dream may be evanescent. 

You may want to practice saying this word many times so that whenever you encounter an Evanescent moment, you may Evanescently say Evanescent. 🙂 

Use this word at least once before the end of this month!


It is thankful people who are HAPPY


Thankful :)
Be thankful. Every second of your life, 24/7. 
Let your attitude constantly be an attitude of gratitude, simply having this attitude will make you a happier more positive person– guaranteed, it’ll even make you more productive!
Thankfulness means counting your blessings, noticing every small blessing you are given throughout your day. It means to stop taking things for granted and start living every day like it is meant to be– a gift from God to be unpacked by you. 
How can you be more thankful?
One way is to keep a gratitude journal or add a gratitude part to your daily journal. Every day write down at least 3 things you are thankful for in the journal, do this and you’ll be on your way to becoming a happier and better you. 
Remember, because being thankful is a choice and being thankful makes you happy… Being happy is a choice, if you want your life to be more happy, if you want to become a happier person… then do it! 

Worst prank ever


How to troll.  Worst prank ever.

I’ve got to do this prank, AKA: the worst prank ever, some day soon! 
Just first freeze the water in the cup and then place the cup upside down on a table in room temperature– it’ll melt and if the person who has to clean it up does not think of the ultimate way to clean this up without any mess, they’ll have fun with all the water and stuff. 
I TRIPLE DOG DARE you to do this to your parents! Muhahahah。。。

No School Wednesday


NO SCHOOL ON THIS WEDNESDAY!!! I’m so freakishly happy about this, a Wednesday without school with school days both before and after it is rare in the world of school so I gotta celebrate it! It is actually a revolution day for Hungary so I guess they are celebrating it too, I’m more american than Hungarian and more Hungarian than Asian, so I generally celebrate American holidays but I’ll try to celebrate the revolution day this Wednesday… Need to do some research on it first. Haha. 

Quit making excuses, JUST DO IT


Nike= awesomeErm, best quote ever. JUST DO IT! 
Stop wishing that you can do something, do it. Do it so that you can someday in the future be proud that you ignored your fear and did it. 
If you feel like there is something out there that you are supposed to do during your stay in this earth, if you feel a passion to do something deep down in your heart, no matter how impossible it may seem to you… JUST DO IT. 
Yes, these 3 words are the only 3 words you ever need in your life. 
Just. Do. It. 

Do what you love, love what you do


Do What You LoveBeautifully said. If what you love to do is unique and different, then do it even when everyone around you tells you to not do it. Just do what you love, what you truly want to do. Only when you do this will you find out why you were given this life that you have in this particular planet; only when you do this will you truly be happy. 
Follow your wildest dreams and achieve them. 
Start today. 

Reading Anna Karenina!


I just started Anna Karenin by Leo Tolstoy today! I’ve been finding it to be a very interesting read– the translator is amazing, her name is Rosemary Edmonds, but the typesetting of the Penguin Classics version is not that amazing because it is a little too small. The fact that this book is considered as the world’s greatest novel, Tolstoy’s most perfect work, and a psychological novel is why I decided to read it. I’ve found it to be really good indeed! 

A funny joke to play (PRANKS)


This is a really funny joke to play on anyone who is a babysitting for you!
-If you don’t have any children, this will be a perfect evil plan. You just have to call over a babysitter and tell him/her you’ll be gone for an hour. Then put an emphasis on the fact that the child (imaginary) they are babysitting is sleeping upstairs. 
When you come back after an hour, ask them where the child is and see the expression on their face when you open the bedroom door upstairs where the child (imaginary) is sleeping… because the room is devoid of any child in need of babysitting. 
But tell them soon after that it was a joke because you wouldn’t want them to have a heart attack.