Category Archives: Uncategorized

Beautiful Fall Day (PICTURES)


Went to a park near the place we live today to celebrate both fall AND the Hungarian revolution day by picking fall leaves! It was very fun and I took some pictures with an old camera my mom happens to always have in her bag 24/7… thought I’d share my day with y’all. 

Some ducks and birdy creatures in a lake situated in the park we were in, aren’t they beautiful? I love nature and animals, I looked at them for 5 minutes straight until my mom dragged me away… she’s evil (just kidding).

One of the pathways in the park, I love this park so much! Isn’t it beautiful?

 Choosing pretty leaves for my collection of fall leaves… totally candid. 

A turtle! Not just a turtle but a sunbathing turtle, how awesome is that?


 Ducks! Aren’t they just so adorably cute? 

Some of the many leaves we found, they are not all that special but on Saturday we’ll be going to the Budapest City Park to pick autumn leaves and that is going to be so exciting? And hopefully we’ll have our good camera with us by Saturday… 

Got to go now, US history test tomorrow and then a Spanish and English test the day after. 🙂 Gotta go prepare to ace all of these tests! 


Word of the day—-> EVANESCENT


Evanescent–> This word means fleeting or temporary or even ephemeral. A beautiful sunset or a short wonderful dream may be evanescent. 

You may want to practice saying this word many times so that whenever you encounter an Evanescent moment, you may Evanescently say Evanescent. 🙂 

Use this word at least once before the end of this month!


Don’t be afraid to stand out in a world that wants you to blend in


Be #you !YES! The goal of your life ought and should be to always stand out and be YOU. You should constantly try to be the person who you were created to be and not a blended in version of you that is not so you. Be crazy, weird, awesome today and all the days after today so that you’ll make a positive impact on the world and encourage others to be themselves. 
Just a simple tip for life!  

Draw near unto GOD


“Come close to God, and God will come close to you…” (James 4:8, NLT).“Come close to God and God will come close to you…”
-James 4:8
In order to know God more, you have to do something yourself. You have to want to get to know Him and come close to him… The key to getting to know God more is simply hunger, not the physical one but the spiritual one… the hunger to for God. Nothing in this world will ever compare to having a relationship with God– yes, nothing! 
Drawing near to God is the equivalent of thinking about him 24/7 and letting him consume all of us so that everyone can see God through us. 
It is something you WANT to do because it is a wonderful opportunity that was created through the DEATH of Jesus on the cross. 

TIKKER– the watch that counts down your life


A watched dubbed the name of the happiness watch? Ever heard of the happiness watch… AKA: the death watch? Well, now you have… the TIKKER watch. This watch counts down you life in order to make the world a better life, according to its website. 
This watch is special because it tells us how much time of your life you have left and reminds you to make every second of your life count… tic toc.

Here’s the link to the website of this watch, check it out! 

Explore. Dream. Discover.


Why? Because life is short and because it is short, you have to go out and explore and find out who you were created to be. 10 years from now, you will regret more about the things you haven’t done than the the things you did and maybe failed. We all want safety and security, right? 
But if you want to explore. dream. discover. then you have to bid goodbye to these notions and just go out into the world. 
So today, start going after what you truly want. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Be thankful for what you have


I'll listen to Oprah.

Be thankful. Thankfulness is something we all need in our life… daily, every second of it. Thankfulness has the power to make you happy, to make you life simply wonderful. The Bible clearly instructs us to be thankful for everything, it instructs us to do it so much that we all can conclude it is a very important thing to do. 
Why is it important to be thankful?
Simply because God has done so much for us for which we ought and need to be thankful for. It is essential for all of us to have an attitude of gratitude to live peacefully with God because thankfulness is necessary to serve God acceptably.